What a beautiful sunny September day! The last thing on your mind is probably Lasting Power of Attorney or LPAs as they are sometimes known as, Better things to do on a great day like this, so boring things like LPAs can be put on the back burner. And who could blame you? And it's forecast to last all week, so go on and enjoy it.
But, hey ho I'm going to plant a little seed in your mind, don't leave your LPAs until it's too late! Not to be a damp squib, okay just a bit, it's just a fact of life that just like the weather, life can change very quickly and the best Laid plans can go up in smoke. Unfortunately I regularly receive calls from relatives looking to set up LPAs for loved ones who have lost mental capacity. It's usually now too late as a person needs mental capacity to set up LPAs. I say usually because it may still be possible subject to the 4 requirements laid down in the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
To establish whether a person has mental capacity they must be able to understand information given to them, be able to retain it long enough to be able to make a decision, weigh up any information available to make that decision and be able to communicate their decision.
Hope that hasn't spoiled your day too much, enjoy the rest of it but just remember to get your LPAs sorted before it's too late!